christhegoth Mar 14, 2016 18:51
i can haz hoomin rites?, lifestyle guru, treehugging hippy crap (tm), fortune cookie, adaptation, relationships, music, bachelorman bachelorman does whatever a., the love life, la musique pop, nostalgia, old fart putting the world to rights, fybromy-hell-gia, the ss salty ctg yaharr!!, in my defence..., i prefer sophisticated degenerate, what part of 'disabled' did you not get?, bloody women ;), fun!, thoughts, important, black man white man rip the system..., mind body & kick-ass shoes
christhegoth Jul 11, 2010 19:34
lucky, serendipity, karma, treehugging hippy crap (tm), fortune cookie, chance, chinee-foo4thought, writer's block, cooking, destiny